Getting Started Once Accepted

Getting Started Once Accepted

Once accepted to Moss Street, there are requirements that must be fulfilled prior to your child's start date. These steps include completing a new child information packet, making a confirmation deposit, and completing a classroom orientation.

Enrollment Requirements


When your family is newly enrolled at Moss Street, the mentor teacher for your child’s age group will contact you to set up an orientation at the center. This initial meeting is the best time for you to ask questions about the program, about your child's transition to starting care, or their daily routines. Opportunities for you and your child to meet other classroom teachers and to spend more time in the classroom can also be scheduled.

We encourage the parents of new children to provide a supportive transition into our childcare at a rate tailored to their child's needs. The success of this transition helps children to comfortably adjust to their new environment.

Confirm Your Child’s Schedule

Moss Street requires scheduling in advance, which allows us to structure our programs and ensure adequate staff coverage throughout the day. All classrooms have the same scheduling option of 8:15 a.m.–3:15 p.m. In addition, some extended care slots are available for children 2 years and older.

Confirm your child’s hours of care that were offered to your family with a confirmation deposit of $150. This will hold your family's space in our program until your child begins care. While the deposit is nonrefundable, it will be applied to your first month’s bill.